Saturday, February 4, 2012

How to hook up all my audio/video components to my zenith dtv converter box the best way?

I have finally received my Zenith DTT901 and I did the so-called automatic feature after I had hooked up the coax cables "somewhat" and turning the converter box on! ("So far that's all I've done!") I am trying to find out the best %26amp; right way to get the fullest "AUDIO %26amp; VIDEO capabilities from this particular unit %26amp; my components, as people have described about this converter box.

I need to know how to hook up my “Composite Cable Inputs/Outputs” and my "Coaxial Cable Inputs/Outputs"%26lt;---(if needed to do so, not sure about this area for this particular application I have here, though??) because I never received the manual for it! I'm not electronically inclined when it comes to hooking these items up from my Zenith DTT-901 to my 1999 VCR (Proscan/PSVR73) to my 2001 SONY DVD Player (DVP-NS575P) to my 2002 32" SONY TRINITON(KV-32FS100)TV.

Is there a awesome site that will show me exactly "what/where to hook up" and what/where "not to hook up" for my particular application here?? I did go to several sites with video and or images that gave me different hookups from each other %26amp; they did not pertain to my exact application/and it gave me a poor evaluation on them with unmentioned or missing items/questions!!!

It would be very much appreciated if you could check into it deeply for me as I can't find a good explanation on my particular set-up here. Or if it makes it any easier to give me a step by step process as if you were looking @ your components, Converter box/VCR/DVD Player/and the TV of course with enough of input/output jacks on them all I believe. Thanks so much, Todd. 3/31/09

PS: I won't be hooking a stereo to this application as of yet!!!!!!How to hook up all my audio/video components to my zenith dtv converter box the best way?
1)Antenna to the Zenith DTV box

2)Audio/Video cables from Zenith DTV box Audio/Video Output to VCR Audio/Video Input.

3)Audio/Video cables from VCR Audio/Video Output to TV Audio/Video Input. #3

4)Connect Red %26amp; White Audio wires from the DVD Audio Output to the TV Audio Input. #1

5)Connect Yellow Video wire from the DVD Video Output to the TV Video Input #1

Due to the fact that your DVD does not have any composite inputs or any inputs whatsoever you will have to hook it up as a stand alone unit to your tv by following steps 4 and 5..

TV Channels are selected on the DTV converter box using the remote control for the DTV box. The DTV converter box will output on Audio/Video. When you want to watch TV or VCR switch TV to AV3. When you want to watch DVDs switch TV to AV1

Hope this helps


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