Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Lcd pc monitor connected to head unit is fuzzy?

i bought a rca to vga converter ---http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem%26amp;ssPageName=STRK:MEWAX:VRI%26amp;item=260427405072

AND used my head unit in my truck which has a screen and dvd to play it on my lcd pc monitor for a big screen in my truck...

but the screen has "noise" --like little dots- and fuzzy?? idk why and is it possible to get rid of the noise or fuzzyness??????? thanks@!Lcd pc monitor connected to head unit is fuzzy?
well, you are taking a small picture and expanding it to a larger screen. Enlarge it much and you are going to get fuzziness and noise. Just like enlarging a photograph. You can only enlarge it so much before it looks terrible.

Nothing you can do about it, either. The DVD player is made to display on a smaller screen. You aren't going to get it to work right on a larger screen.Lcd pc monitor connected to head unit is fuzzy?
Don't think it's possible. You're going from a low-quality source to an HD display. Also, that converter box doesn't appear to be very good and is probably adding noise itself.

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