I'm assuming it's an FM transmitter that connects to your Ipod and sends a signal to your radio. If the Belkin has a frequency adjust on it, use it. If not, then it's a POS like most of the FM transmitter devices. You'll be best served spending the extra money on getting a wired connection of some kind.
Friday, January 20, 2012
Why does my Belkin Ipod converter come in with just plain static?
It comes in with static unless i hold the unit and Im not holding the unit the entire time i drive. Help.Why does my Belkin Ipod converter come in with just plain static?
I'm assuming it's an FM transmitter that connects to your Ipod and sends a signal to your radio. If the Belkin has a frequency adjust on it, use it. If not, then it's a POS like most of the FM transmitter devices. You'll be best served spending the extra money on getting a wired connection of some kind.lipstick stains
I'm assuming it's an FM transmitter that connects to your Ipod and sends a signal to your radio. If the Belkin has a frequency adjust on it, use it. If not, then it's a POS like most of the FM transmitter devices. You'll be best served spending the extra money on getting a wired connection of some kind.
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