Wednesday, February 1, 2012

I have 2 12 inch kicker cvrs wired to 2 ohms sealed box alpine mrp m1000 stock head unit?

i am using a stock headunit and i tied in the line output converter in with the 6 x 9s it sounds like theres rice in my subs is it because of that also theyll go for literallly 12 seconds then cut out any suggestions.I have 2 12 inch kicker cvrs wired to 2 ohms sealed box alpine mrp m1000 stock head unit?
well first you need to find out why they are cutting out.

could be the amp going into protect mode

could be a bad ground


then you need to try to figure out why they sound "like rice is in them." I'm not even sure what that means.I have 2 12 inch kicker cvrs wired to 2 ohms sealed box alpine mrp m1000 stock head unit?
Well .. first the basics ... check all your grounds and rewire if possible with better grounds. U have very powerful amp but need proper wiring for the flow of electricity... Get ground fixed and lower the gain on your amp.. less gain less power ... fix the problem first then push it ... keep increasing teh gain as long as it sounds clear.. ... Always tune your gain with your head unit to the max sound where it does not sound distorted. then increase the gain on your amp until that also starts to distort.

Anyways .. Mrp m1000 is a mono block amplifier which needs low frequency.. I am pretty sure your stock head unit does not have any sub pre-outs. your best bet would be to get a after market HU with separate sub pre outs or just get some low pass filter between you HU connection and the amplifier ...

The subs may sound like ..RICE or whatever if you are pushing high frequency sound ..they are not designed to handle that ... so u need a filter or crossover or simply get a EQ.

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